Quest of Persia

"Quest of Persia" is a Persian Computer Game Series.
"Nader's Blade" is the third installment of  "Quest of Persia"

"QoP: Nader's Blade"  popular with persian gamers, 25/7/2009

After the popularity of "Quest of Persia: Lotfali Khan Zand" among Persian gamers, "Nader's Blade" has proven to be very successful in attracting Persian audiences to historical based action/adventure games.

"QoP: Nader's Blade"  has been released , 16/7/2009

The  CG trailer can be downloaded from here (8 MB). The CG animation has been developed by Aria Animation. Also the exciting gameplay trailer that showcases the gameplay, and various environments is now available. The gameplay trailer can be downloaded from here (36 MB). You can check out  shots of the game through the screenshot page.

The first official trailer of the game can now be downloaded from the trailer page. "Nader's Blade" is on the final stages of development and is scheduled to be released in July 2009.

"Quest of Persia III: Nader's Blade", 1/12/2008

"Nader's Blade" is the third game of the "Quest of Persia" series. A sequal to "Lotfali Khan Zand", It will be a 3rd person sword-fighting game and will be available in summer 2009.